Support to implement an effective permit to work system designed to prevent accidents and injuries
“Permit to Work” (PTW) Systems are commonplace for high risk tasks and consists of an overarching PTW document and several subsidiary certificates – such as Confined Space , Hot Work, Excavation & Penetration Work at Height, HV electrical switching, HV Electrical Access, Bridging & Overriding.
We provide support to design, implement and audit your permit to work system.
- Desktop, Field Review and Gap Analysis of Work Permit systems
- Modification and major re-design of the system
- Assistance in the development of Client Server or Cloud based Management Systems
- Training, Coaching and Mentoring of employees (Users) and direct line managers
- Targeted site inspections and compliance audits
- Forensic Investigations into incidents involving failure of Work Permit systems
- Designed, implemented and managed the paper based Commissioning “Permit to Work” and the “Isolation Management System” for the Olympic Dam Expansion project
- Assisted BHP WAIO with conversion of analogue PTW procedures to a digital versions based on the Sphera digital PTW system.
- Targeted PTW and LOTO audits during commissioning the DeGrussa project for Sandfire Resources.
- iSOL8 Pty Ltd has partnered with PTW Mineral Blue software specialist Nuclyus Ltd to produce customised digital PTW software solutions based on client “Permit to Work” procedures and rules.
To find out more about how we can assist you with implementing a software to help streamline your permit to work system, simply call 08 6166 9110 or email us.