Plant Isolation – iSOL8 – A Digital Lock Out Tag Out Process
Electronic LOTO Isolation Process
iSOL8™ (Standard Patent Granted – IP Australia September 2017 ) is an integrated electronic LOTO isolation system comprised of a database, web application, mobile app, lockbox integration and a set of processes, procedures and services.
It requires a plant to be fitted with RFID – NFC tags at all isolation points and for all staff and contractors comprising the maintenance team to be assigned personnel ID tags or mobile devices capable of being read by a NFC reading device.
The iSOL8™ system ensures that the isolation scheme laid out in the isolation permit is enforced whilst avoiding the bureaucracy normally associated with these types of systems.
It will use electronic identification of people and isolation points to minimise and eliminate paper records but still ensure compliance is managed proactively to improve safety and reducing the opportunity for error.
The isolation “Permit” can be built quickly from templates and the workflow between authorisers is managed by the system including notifications and person specific in-trays.
Permits are managed electronically but hardcopy options are available.
Isolation Permit details are loaded onto a mobile device which includes instructions and the list of isolation points. As points are isolated the NFC reader on the device picks up the ID of the isolation point and checks it off from the list.
Until all isolation points are checked off (de-energised, locked out out and tested for dead) and employees have electronically locked the lock box , the maintenance task is not clear to start.
Similarly, the de-isolation works in reverse. Mobile devices will synchronise with the database when within communication range.
The system includes an interface to the intelligent lock boxes deployed with iSOL8®.
It uses the personal electronic tags to identify the maintenance team member.
Until the isolation padlocks and padlock keys are back in the lockbox the system will not issue a clearance to close-out the isolation and put the equipment back in service.
A feature is the provision of tablet computer and screen adjacent to or integrated with each lockbox showing the status of the isolation and a graphic showing who is locked on to the plant and who is not locked onto the plant.
This is indicated in real time every time a person swipes his proximity card / mobile device onto the lock box tablet computer and can be immediately be seen by the employee who is placing or removing his personal electronic isolation (Lock) onto and off the lock box.
All permit forms and data are previously uploaded onto the Computer Tablet with authorisation / sign off being done in several ways including sign on / off with a stylus, pin code, biometric signature (finger print, voice activation)