Cecil Andrews College – Leading Edge STEM High School

I have had the privilege  of being an external engineering based industry mentor to year 10/11 students over the past two years, assisting in the STEM Project Based Learning program – working with the Principal Stella Jinman and Head Technology teacher  John Townley and have been given the unofficial title of “Resident Engineer” for the college.

In 2017,  students used a laser cutter, 3D printer and TinkerCad design software to produce a complex 3D printed sculpture.

In 2018 , the students are involved in a Drone (Quad Copter) project where they have assembled, programmed and learnt to fly the Quad Copters and developing their hand-eye and spatial awareness skills.

One group of boys is designing and manufacturing  their base Quadcopter frame, building their own drone from the ground up, using spare motors, propellers and controllers.

The next challenge for the students is to fly 4 or more Drones in a synchronised aerobatic display in front of their peers – watch this space.

I have appended an article which was published in the magazine “TechnologyEd” titled “Helping Them Think Outside The Box” by   Chelsea” Channing who interviewed the Principal  – Stella Jinman.

Article : Cecil Andrews College – P-Tech pilot high school

It is an interesting read and points the way to the future of effective STEM education in our High Schools.