EMPLOYEES – A Rich Source of Information

Overview Employee Surveys are a rich source of information for enterprises and with potential to improve the workplace relationships and improve profitability. Our survey tapped into what employees thought, felt and what should be done…

Notifiable Incidents & Diseases

What is New - WHS Act 2020 and WHS (General) Regulations 2022 1.      Work Health and Safety Act 2020 - Section 38, now requires the PCBU to  report a dangerous incident to the Regulator. This is a major change compared to the…

An Underground Inrush Incident

Two sub-contractor underground miners were bogging out vent rise reamer cuttings. Bogger They sensed something was wrong and started walking away from the reamer stockpile area and back down the drive. Both personnel were hit by a…


I - Craig Power , was fortunate to gain a scholarship from CERI (Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation- located in Nedlands Western Australia) to attend their Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp in early 2020 - WWW.CERI.Org.au The…